Need Career Support, Have Questions? Schedule an in-person, virtual (zoom), or phone appointment with our career team! Select an appointment based on your career needs.

Note: If no available appointments work with your schedule, check back again since the Freeman Career Center maintains a 2 week scheduling window for appointments.

Career Exploration, Planning, & Decision-Making

Meet with our Career Counselors for support with:

  • Declaring or changing your major
  • Feeling unsure or lost about your career
  • Navigating major & career decisions
  • Administer & interpreting career assessments
  • Academic & course planning
Career Information & Resources

Meet with our Career Advisors for support with:

  • Navigating career center & campus resources
  • Gathering information about majors & careers
  • Internship, volunteer, & job search
Resume, Interview, & Job Preparation

Strengthen your job skills & strategy. Develop your:

  • Resume & Cover Letter
  • Networking & Interviewing Skills
  • LinkedIn Profile

For other career needs, please email us at